Gift Hare Preservation Trust Membership (news bulletins by email)


This is for a one year gift membership for someone else. IMPORTANT: During checkout please use the “Add Comments About Your Order” to give us the recipient’s name, email address and postal address – without these we cannot send them their news bulletins.

To join yourself please do so via our Join Us page – join here.

Every membership is important and enables us to continue to work for the welfare of this beautiful animal. Members receive regular news Bulletins to keep them informed of current hare developments and interesting stories from the public and other members.

SKU: HPT108 Category: Artists: ,


This is for a one year gift membership for someone else. IMPORTANT: During checkout please:

– use the “Order notes (optional)” to give us the recipient’s name, email address and postal address.

Without these we cannot send them their news bulletins.

To join yourself please do so via our Join Us page – join here.

Every membership is important and enables us to continue to work for the welfare of this beautiful animal. Members receive regular news Bulletins to keep them informed of current hare developments and interesting stories from the public and other members.

Membership Options

We have two options for membership, Email Membership and Postal Membership.

Email Membership is £10 per year, and email members will receive a monthly news bulletin by email.

Postal Membership (UK only) is £15 per year, and postal members will receive a monthly news bulletin by post – please see the related products section above if you like to purchase this as a gift subscription.